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Kelly McKendry (Cousino)

16 March 2017

Kelly McKendry (Cousino)

A spectacularly huge shout out to Kelly McKendry! Awesome job Kelly! Your passion and commitment to TPG culture and values shows in everything you do. We are thrilled to have a professional like you on our team and this is why we need you! Way to go PRO!

Pro-Am 11: The harder I work, the luckier I get.

At TPG, the equation we operate by is: HARD WORK = SUCCESS

Kelly began a phone campaign reaching out to potential new clients. A simple introduction of herself and TPG. After a very short time doing this – she has added 3 new customers to date who ’s initial orders were in excess of the $ 10,000 mark.

Congratulations Kelly – You are a PROFESSIONAL!

Doug Sherry, General Manager – CWS


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