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Joe Greenfield and the Buhl Building Team

15 July 2016

Joe Greenfield and the Buhl Building Team

A fantastically huge shout out to Joe Greenfield and the Buhl Building Team! This is such a great example of what sets us apart as professionals! Smart Bus was not loving our efforts in their suites, but Joe Greenfield got right in there! He communicated with the customer, did a walk through and identified the issues! Then he worked with his team and immediately took steps to correct them. Within a few short weeks, Joe and his team have totally nailed it and Smart Bus seems very pleased with the results. Way to go Joe and Team! We love this success story and are so proud to have amazing professionals like you on our team!

Pro-Am 3: I believe that every failure is an opportunity. 

Hi Joe, I wanted to let you know that Beth and I walked both the 6th and 7th floors at the Buhl Building this morning to follow up and see how things were progressing with the cleaning of their suite.  We both agreed the improvement is really noticeable, and Beth’s team mates have reported a big difference and attention to detail, as well. That’s such great news. Please thank you team and the gal that cleans those floors for SMART, as well.

The only issues we noticed that we wanted to make sure stayed on your radar are:

  • The restroom stall dividers in the public restrooms on both 6 & 7 need to be thoroughly wiped down and disinfected.
  • Make sure we continue to wipe down conference room tables every night (they looked really good).
  • 6th Floor North Kitchen – Wipe down kitchen cupboards dan the entire countertop (even behind small appliances),  and kitchen floor needs mopping.
  • 7th Floor Copy Room – Sweep and mop nightly.
  • #715 Personnel File Room – Needs a good mopping
  • Robert Kramer’s Office is not getting vacuumed.  I took some pictures of the debris left throughout his office on the floor (maybe there is a reason as the rest of the suite looked great).

Can you and I meet with Vicki on the first floor this evening to find out why they keep running out of paper towels in that space? 

Thank you so much!  I have a gift card for your cleaning lady that does the SMART space.  Your influence has made a great impact throughout the building.  Keep up the good work.

Lynnette Boyle        

Property Manager



Thank you for all of the hard work your team has done to improve our work environment!  It is greatly appreciated and has been noticed by staff.

Have a great weekend!

Beth Gibbons

Manager of Marketing and Communications


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